One of the most influential politicians in the last one hundred years produced a book before his political career went into overdrive, Dreams From My Father is an exceptional story written by a gifted writer.
Following Obama's story from his humble childhood in Hawaii, through to his time at college, then in New York and Chicago, and finally his trip to his homeland in Kenya, the book is a telling memoir that addresses issues of race, family, hope, heritage and the future. With great family members, friends and acquaintances, whom Obama meets along the way, the book is filled with laughter and entertainment, the book is not a dry, nostalgic boast about "look what I have done", but rather a modest and self-critical analysis of Barack's life, and how his journey to find his place in the world, led him through challenges and discoveries which would shape his extraordinary character.
No one can doubt this man's intelligence. His words act like sharpened spears to penetrate the readers heart, whilst keeping them hooked to his story. His ideas about life, and the future for the U.S. are heartfelt, whilst his attacks on the injustices of the world are aimed universally at people, not races.
This is an incredible book. An amazing story, with engaging characters, glued together with the genius of a man who is the inspiration for the world.
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